Sunday 9 November 2014

Happiness Equation

I have mulled over this question for nearly 25 years.  I'm a fairly reflective, mature individual, the one that observes in the corner applying lessons of others to my Life. It'd be interesting to see how this changes in the next couple of years when major changes happen in my life.  But these things are the basics and foundation and what I believe makes me happy and hopefully the majority:

1. Having found, understand and being able to express your character.
When I say this, I emphasize on the basics of one's character.  It is important to have a solid  understanding and foundation of your character in order to build extra fancy architecture on top.  One may say a 24 year old is too young to have found their character.  We all discover this at different times of our lives, or never!  We are all different and we focus on aspects of our lives differently and at different times.  This was one that I made of utmost importance during high school and university.  I am confident to say I know the basics of what I am, who I am, my capabilities and weaknesses, what I like and dislike, and what's good and bad for me.  I know when I'm myself, because when I'm in my zone, I'm relaxed, care-free and happy.  I've noticed that when I'm around people, the chemistry is either soluble or insoluble: when soluble I feel like a free particle floating freely and merrily around going with the flow, but when insoluble I sink to the bottom of the flask, stuck under gravity, crystallised, trapped... 

Having a strong sense of character gives you a sense of identity.  Having an identity gives you confidence and presence.  Having a presence can allow you to inspire and share happiness with others.  Happiness of others makes you happy too.

Having a strong sense of character helps you to make decisions regarding what's best suited for you and what risks you can take and whether you can handle the consequences.

I've come across social circumstances where I've not been able to exude my personality and character, of which I don't waste my time.  There are lots of people in this world, you have a choice!

2. Good health... and teeth
Good physical and mental and emotional health.  You can buy 'good health' up to an certain extent, but we've all been taught how to look after ourselves since primary school: healthy eating, lifestyle, don't smoke, minimal alcohol, exercise, coping with stress, etc., that covers the basics!  Genetically, I'm grateful that nothing major runs in my family, neither has nothing traumatic happened to me yet (touch wood).  As a doctor, I see all forms of life/people and health stati and lifestyles.  I see a lot of deaths, grief and bereavement too.  Safe to say, I do not want to be a patient ever if I could avoid it.

Teeth.  These moles can be made into mountains!!  Good dentists that you can trust are hard to find. Floss and brush your teeth!

I wish pain and suffering upon no one that I will forever and continue to be a doctor (despite its toll on my health and lifestyle).  If I could have a magic power: all forms of suffering - I wish I could abolish with a healing hand or wand across the world.  Unnecessary suffering and pain is inhumane.

3. To have a strong support network of loved ones
I'm lucky to have such a loving family and upbringing.  I have about 35+ very strong friendship bonds that I essentially consider them as family.  Most of them are from high school and university, and few from work.  My strong network nurtures my character and my life changes and decisions, and loves me, which makes me feel very secure and essentially happy.  To feel loved is a beautiful wonderful feeling, be it from a family member, friend or lover. 

And that's my list!  Just 3 things.  Basic, yet brimming.  In my day-to-day life, I've found that the "1. Having found, understand and being able to express your character." has been challenged the most and is very important in any type of relationship.

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